Quality assurance – ÖNORM D 1202 Standards for interpreting services
Our interpreters meet the requirements of the Austrian standard ÖNORM D1202:
Spoken and written competency in the source and target language, cultural fluency, interpreting competency, psycho-social competency and professional competency. They are obliged to keep all information received while practising their occupation confidential and act impartially.
Goodpreparation is vital for the success of the interpreting service. Therefore it is essential that the interpreters receive documentation, such as contracts or reference material, in good time before the date of the event so that they are able to familiarise themselves with the relevant subject matter.
When interpreting, our interpreters must find the right word in a fraction of a second in order to allowcoherent translation from one language into the other. At the same time, they become the mouthpiece of the customer and must faithfully render every aspect of their statements.
The result:
Events at which our clients cut a fine figure on the international stage.