Our native translators are not only selected on the basis of their linguistic skills, but must also demonstrate knowledge in the relevant specialist areas.
As a result, we can ensure that terminology appropriate for the specialist area is used in every translation.

Business Experience in many industries
translingua offers a rich palette of cross-industry expertise in the business sector –for example:
- Foreign trade
- Banking
- Construction
- Domestic trade
- Print + Communications
- Energy
- Financial services
- Hospitality + Hotel industry
- Automotive industry
- Agriculture + Forestry
- Metal + Mechanical engineering
- Food
- Patents
- Sport + Sports equipment
- Textiles + Clothing
- Tourism
- Transport + Travel
- Manufacturing
- Customs + Excise

Law Contracts – also certified, if required
Documents that are legally binding must be translated with the utmost precision. Not to mention with knowledge of the relevant legal systems which come into play for:
- Adoption documents
- Official communications
- Financial statements
- Employer's credentials
- Commercial register reports
- Birth certificates
- Terms and conditions
- Business reports
- Wills
- Land register deeds
- Litigation documents
- Certificates of residence and of vehicle registration
- Notarial deeds
- Mutual legal assistance
- School certificates
- Criminal records
- Contracts of all kinds